Application Notes

Food Industry

Hyperspectral Imaging Application Note on Almonds by HAIP Solutions

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 Max: Detection of Undesired Components in the Almond Production

Almonds, the edible seeds of the Prunus dulcis tree, have been prized for centuries for their delicious flavor and remarkable nutritional profile. Furthermore, they offer versatile applications with their various components. While the nutrient-dense core provides essential vitamins and minerals that are processed in food products like almond milk, flour and oil, the protective shell finds purpose in agriculture and livestock farming, where it is used as bedding material. When exposed to heat, almond shells form a charcoal-like product that can also be used to produce more resistant plastics. The skin of an almond …

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 / Max: Foreign Objects in Rice

Rice plays an essential social and economic role worldwide as a staple food and commodity. Almost a third of the world‘s population feeds on it, especially in Asia, Latin America and Africa. At the same time, rice is a key product in the global economy. The USDA is forecasting 513.5 tons of rice for the 2023/24 harvest year, while sales revenues for the year 2024 are estimated at 19.8 billion euros. Rice is therefore not only crucial for global food security, but also an important factor in world trade. Given the importance of rice, it is necessary to adress potential issues within the various processes that the grain passes thropugh during its production and distribution. One of the biggest problems is the…

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Hyperspectral Imaging Solutions

Food Industry

Hyperspectral camera called BlackIndustry VNIR V2 manufactured by HAIP Solutions. Hyperspectral imaging systems and cameras​

BlackIndustry VNIR V2

500-1000 nm wavelength range

Hyperspectral camera called BlackIndustry VNIR V2 manufactured by HAIP Solutions. Hyperspectral imaging systems and cameras​

BlackIndustry NIR

700-1050 nm wavelength range

Hyperspectral camera called BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 manufactured by HAIP Solutions

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7

900-1730 nm wavelength range

Hyperspectral camera called BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 manufactured by HAIP Solutions

BlackIndustry SWIR 1.7 Max

900-1730 nm wavelength range

Hyperspectral Imaging System. Hyperspectral imaging systems and cameras​


Standardized data acquisition

portable Hyperspectral Camera called BlackMobile manufactured by HAIP Solutions. Hyperspectral imaging systems and cameras​


Handheld Hyperspectral Imaging

Hyperspectral camera called BlackBullet V2 manufactured by HAIP Solutions. Hyperspectral imaging systems and cameras​

BlackBullet V2

Combined RGB & HSI camera

Other Application Notes




Environmental Monitoring

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